Tuesday, January 09, 2007

On the subject of tracksuits......

As I mentioned in “Make time for colour”, I have a special type of tracksuit, which is black. As for tracksuits themselves, I leave them for the gym. I am not going to give out about tracksuits, as I know there are women who would be lost without the day time equivalent of pyjamas, and I don’t want to make you feel bad.
There are so many beautiful clothes and designers in the world, so many fits that will suit your figure so perfectly. When I feel like tying the duvet around me and rolling into work, instead of reaching for a tracksuit, I pull on a pair of flat boots, and my special camouflage clothes. No, I don’t mean horrible combats and jungle gear, I mean clothes that feel nice no matter how crap you feel. The can be loose or layered, black or dark green or any subtle colour you like, but they don’t make you feel over or underdressed, but decent.
One of the main reasons women wear tracksuits is that they are too tired to make any effort, so would rather make none at all. In their mind, it would be better that someone just thought they looked rubbish , rather than make an effort and for that person to still think they look rubbish.
A lot of people also don’t want to be noticed at all, and a tracksuit becomes an imaginary invisible force field that makes them blend into the crowd.
Just stop now, enjoy yourself, get into a different kind of tracksuits, find clothes that suit your shape, enjoy the fun of dressing up a little, and your confidence will grow.
The funny thing is, that with a little practice, you will know when you pass your old tracksuit wearing pals, that it took you as much effort to look lovely today, as it did for them to roll into that tracksuit.
That’s a nice feeling.

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