Monday, January 29, 2007

Goodbye Liadán Carrickshock/Liadino Carrinido/ Leah Carri

Very sad day for many of us in Kilkenny, as Leah Carri, a blow in from Waterford, is blowing further afield, and relocating to Australia.

Leah, a newsreader in KCLR96fm, film critic for the Kilkenny People, part time Mexican, has somehow been swayed to move to a beautiful hot country to be with her buff, succesful Australian doctor.

Tough call.

We know it's not like many years ago when people tripped off and never returned and couldn't afford to call. We know you can come back, we know we can go over there, I am aware of emailing, texting, skype and all the biz, but we will still miss your little head around the place.

Still though, you cant stand in the way of true love. Mental high five on the hot country factor.

See you dahn undah.


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